This swing flaw has to do with the alignment of the plane of the shoulders compared to a line drawn straight up through your spine.

As you come into your backswing you should not see the lead shoulder raise up, thus widening this angle.

Shot Implications
– This can lead to poor power into the ball
– Club is out of position and a compensation movement has to happen in order to get the club face on the ball. This leads to inconsistent ball striking.
Body Limitations
Shortened latissimus dorsi musculature or stiffness in the spine can lead to an inability to turn the upper body independently of the lower body.

Both the hips and shoulders have to demonstrate great flexibility and movement. In order for you not to compensate elsewhere it is critical that the shoulders and hips both have the movement ability to help you get into an aggressive position at the top of your backswing without demonstrating the flat shoulder plane.

Remember that none of these exercises are meant to cause pain. You should also seek the advice of your primary care physician before starting any new exercise program.
Thanks and here’s to helping you reach your pinnacle!